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Build an application

What you need

  • Bash console;

  • Flight software;

  • python3

  • numpy

  • ImageMagick

  • graphviz

NOTE: Numpy is used for running the emulated sattelite and is therefore not required for building. ImageMagick and graphviz are used to create a state machine diagram along with your built files.

Step 1: Run the script

To build the flight software you run:

bash $ sh {driver} {application}

The {driver} is the part of the software that interfaces with the hardware (or emulates it).

The {application} is what the software attempts to achieve the mission objective (by utilizing the driver to communicate with the hardware).

This allows us to easily test and develop flight software localy by emulating the hardware.

For example, for building system-check app, you should run:

user@machine ~/Software/Flight/state_machine
$ sh drivers/pycubedmini/ applications/system-check/

The build should appear at ~/Software/Flight/state_machine/build/ directory.