Flash OpenMV on cameraboard
What you need
PyCubed-Mini cameraboard;
PC with 1 free USB port;
USB-C cable with power and data lines;
Step 1: Connect the camera and plug the board
After placing the camera on the board, connect it to your PC with the USB-C cable;
Make sure the power switch on the board is turned on.
Step 2: Flash OpenMV
- On OpenMV IDE, click on the bottom-left icon labeled as "Connect", as follow the GUI prompts;
NOTE: There is a board switch connecting the BOOT0 pin to VDD, entering bootloader mode if asked in the GUI prompts.
Select "Yes" to confirm that the OpenMV camera (our cameraboard) is connected and paired;
Select the correct board: OpenMV Cam H7 (STM32H743);
Select "Yes" to erase internal file system;
Unplug and plug again the USB-C cable;
The GUI should automatically start deleting and programming the bootloader. When finished, a success message should appear;
Step 3: Test the camera
If asked to register the OpenMV camera, you can ignore pressing "No" to all prompts;
If everything worked as planned, you should be back to the IDE code, with the
code file open. If that's not the case, you can open the file in IDE top-left, onFile > Examples > HelloWorld
; -
You can run this code by pressing the "Start" button on bottom-left and check the video feedback on the top-right.