Guide description
During two weeks on June 2023, a couple of stacks were successfully build at University of Minho, in which this guide is based. It provides a detailed step-by-step guide to correctly assemble and system check a PyCubed-Mini framework satellite of a PocketQube size. We also give some tips and useful notes for the process, learnt from this and previous builds at Carnergie Mellon University, where it was originally created and developed through multiple revisions.
During the development of a space mission, there are usually two separate units to build: an Engineering Unit and a Flight Unit. As the names sound, one is meant to validade all the hardware, firmware and software needed, while the other replicates it for a launch, ensuring extra safe and clean procedures, as required by launch companies.
This guide will be initially divided by each unit type, then mentioning the required parts to assemble each stack, describing the purpose and available options for fullfilling each one of the elements required. After, there will be some single testing of that parts, followed by the final assembly steps, for completing the stack, and final checking procedures.
This guide follows a sort of chronological order to facilitate its following, yet advised to fully read it first to avoid mistakes during the procedure.
For better readibility, check the Docs folder for each Readme file.